This fund, originally established on April 19, 2021, was designated specifically to provide assistance and supportive resources to the migrant children temporarily housed at the Long Beach Convention Center.
Donations were intended to provide the support that would make the children more comfortable during their stay in Long Beach and with the reunification process. Children were housed in the Convention Center through July 26, 2021. This fund was officially closed on August 16, 2021.
LBCF received more than 1200 donations totaling over $240,000 to provide comfort, education, and support to immigrant children.
This was the largest number of donations to a single fund in such a short period of time in our history.
Migrant children have been supported by local nonprofit organizations including:
- fun and interactive learning programs provided by The Aquarium of the Pacific;
- Kinder Konzert musicals in English and Spanish performed by the Long Beach Camerata Singers;
- a reading lab program from the Long Beach Public Library Foundation which includes reading lessons from local Long Beach youth from Patrick Henry Elementary, Helen Keller Middle School, and other LBUSD Dual Immersion schools;
- concerts, dance classes, and performances from Musical Theatre West;
- a July 4th celebration from Centro CHA;
- gift cards to be used for necessities when the children are reunited with their families; and
- legal representation services from Immigrant Defenders Law Center.
The compassion shown by donors was inspiring.