Coach John F. Gonsalves Charity Fund
Donate now to the Coach John F. Gonsalves Charity Fund.
How You Can Help
The Coach John F. Gonsalves Charity Fund will benefit local schools and charities. Coach Gonsalves is mostly known for his career as the baseball coach at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). He attended St. Anthony’s High School in Long Beach, Long Beach City College, and CSULB. He earned his Masters degree in Physical Education and influenced many in that tract. He was friendly and always generous with his time and energy to help anyone who needed it. He will be missed by many.
Contributions By Check
Check donations may be mailed to Long Beach Community Foundation, 1 World Trade Center, 8th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90831. Please make check payable to “Long Beach Community Foundation” and write “Coach John F. Gonsalves Charity Fund” in the memo section of your check.
Contributions By Credit Card
In the secure form below, please select a donation amount. If you do not see your designated amount listed, please select ‘Other’ and type in the amount of your choice.
100% of your donation is deductible for income tax purposes, but a credit card service charge of about 3% will be deducted from your donation. You may want to consider increasing the amount of your donation to cover this necessary cost.
I understand that, as required by the Internal Revenue Service, Long Beach Community Foundation has exclusive legal control over this contribution. I also understand my contact information may be provided to the fund advisors/owners for acknowledgment purposes.