Long Beach Press Telegram’s Send-a-Kid-to-Camp Fund
It’s time to help send kids in need to mountain camps!
The Press-Telegram Send-a-Kid-to-Camp campaign, launched in 1999, has resulted in hundreds of children reveling in the unique experience of attending a week-long summer camp. For many of these young people, the camping experience is life-changing. The mountain camps are run by the agencies we call the Big Five: Boy & Girls Clubs, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire, Girl Scouts, and YMCA.
Listen to a KFI 610 AM radio interview about Send a Kid To Camp!
Photo from Boy Scouts of America Long Beach Area Council – Camp Tahquitz provides outdoor experiences and friendships that youth treasure for a lifetime. Less than two hours from anywhere in the Los Angeles/Orange County basin, campers enjoy the relaxing scents of the pine forest while taking part in many amazing adventures.
Your tax-deductible financial contribution can help provide a child the opportunity to learn and grow during a week-long camp experience.
How You Can Help
Make a donation today. Your contribution receives a full tax deduction and goes directly towards the Press-Telegram Send-a-Kid-to-Camp fund.
Use the secure form below to make an online donation. We appreciate your support!
Contributions By Check
Check donations may be mailed to Long Beach Community Foundation, 1 World Trade Center, 8th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90831. Please make your check payable to “Long Beach Community Foundation” and write “Press-Telegram Send-a-Kid-to-Camp” in the memo section of your check.
Contributions By Credit Card
In the secure form, please select a donation amount. If you do not see your designated amount listed, please select ‘Other’ and type in the amount of your choice.
100% of your donation is deductible for income tax purposes, but a credit card service charge of about 3% will be deducted from your donation. Please consider clicking the “Increase My Impact” field to cover this necessary cost.
I understand that, as required by the Internal Revenue Service, Long Beach Community Foundation has exclusive legal control over this contribution. I also understand my contact information may be provided to the fund advisors/owners for acknowledgment purposes.